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How to update the
WiFi Network of your device if
you have a new WiFi Network

Select the Smart Device that was connected to your old WIFI and is now offline in your App.

If you need to change the WiFi network that your device is connected to, delete the device from the Brookstone Smart App or the Smartpoint Home App. Then start the set up process again as if you were adding a new device when you are connected to the new WIFI Network that you want to the connect your existing device to.

WIFI Icon.jpg

To delete a smart device from you App, please follow the steps below in Method 1 or Method 2.

Method 1 of how to Delete a Smart Device from the Smart App

Then select the settings icon in the top right corner.

Scroll down to the bottom of the settings page and press "Remove Device".

Then, confirm the deletion on the Smart Device.

Deleting device and changing WIFI.jpg

Method 2 of how to Delete a Smart Device from the Smart App

Long press the Smart Device you want to delete.

Then select that device on the next page.

Then, confirm the deletion on the Smart Device.

Deleting device and changing WIFI 2nd Method.jpg

Once the Device is deleted from the App, set up the device as if it was a new device with the original set up instructions onto the new WIFI Network in your house. (When a device is deleted, it usually goes into set up mode automatically when it is plugged back in.  If this does not happen, press the reset button on the device for about 5-7 seconds to put it into set up mode.  You may need to look at the original instructions to see how long to hold the reset button or on how to reset the device.)

Deleting Device Methods
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